What would you say is the most important appliance in your home? What provides you with the most comfort and convenience after you’ve worked all day? For us at North Sound Boilers & Radiant, there’s no doubt that a home boiler is an integral part of our long days, especially when it comes to warm rooms and hot showers. Our professional technicians specialize in boiler setups, particularly IBC boiler installations, repairs, and replacements in Mukilteo. Why? Because IBC is well-known as one of the best brands out there, so we strive to be skilled and well-equipped in how to handle their boilers.
A boiler will not often need extensive repair, but accidents happen. There could be a faulty wire or pipe somewhere, the tank could have been damaged or dinged, or excessive use could have weakened an element. Luckily, North Sound Boilers & Radiant can fix all of that and more.
For homeowners, North Sound Boilers & Radiant technicians encourage and recommend annual inspections of your boiler, regardless of brand. We have vast experience and expertise in all brands of boilers, from IBC to NTI, HTP, and LAARS, so the chances are that we can diagnose an issue with your home’s boiler in no time. If there’s a problem, we can then make a plan of action for repairs or recommend a replacement since boilers have an average lifespan of between 15 to 20 years.
Can IBC Boilers Last Longer Than 20 Years?
IBC boilers are resilient and reliable, so it’s absolutely possible that they could last longer than the average lifespan of 20 years. However, it’s dependent on use, preventative care, and routine inspections. If you are diligent with scheduled maintenance, you improve your boiler’s longevity.
To hear more about IBC boiler installations, repairs, and replacements in Mukilteo, please call North Sound Boilers & Radiant at (425) 437-3992.